Oil & Natural Gas Industry

Web Application


Mobile Application


A Multi-National Oil Company has thousands of oil wells, with varying equipment/components at each well.  An Inventory of the equipment was managed in varying locations, without a standardized approach to manage periodic inspections & preventative maintenance.  Required equipment inspections and maintenance activities were frequently missed – resulting in  equipment failure rates and expenses much higher than corporate targets.

Widespread Field Locations

No Preventative Maintenance

Equipment Failure

Loss of Funds


4C worked with client to design & build a responsive web application that users access via mobile devices to capture equipment data.  Data is aggregated into a centralized database – with follow-up inspections and preventative maintenance activities scheduled based upon the equipment type and information.


Much better visibility into company’s assets – guides purchasing decisions and reduces unnecessary costs.

Builds clear schedule for inspections and preventative maintenance activities – assists in scheduling staff for these actions.

Tracks inspections/maintenance activities – resulting in reductions in equipment failures and overall cost reductions.

Custom reporting tool enables staff to analyze data across the organization and plan/take action based upon insights.